

  • Geotechnical site investigation design, planning, supervision and management by direct techniques. Mass rock description and classification, geotechnical boreholes (rotary core drilling, mechanical augers drilling, wash boring, percussion boring, etc), trial pits, trenchs, dynamic penetration probings (DPSH, Borros, etc), static cone penetration tests (CPT) and piezocones (CPTU); Marchetti flat plate dilatometer test (DMT); plate load test; inside borehole tests: standard penetration tests (SPT), pressuremeter test, field vane shear test (FVT), permeability tests in soils (Seepage tests or Lefranc, Slug test, Gilg-Gavard, Matsuo, Haefeli) or in rocks (Packer or Lugeon test).
  • Geotechnical site investigation design, planning, supervision and management by geophysical survey techniques. On Surface: electrical methods (vertical electrical soundings V.E.S., resistivity profiling, electrical tomography), seismic methods (seismic refraction, seismic reflection, passive seismic ReMi); electromagnetic methods (electromagnetic survey, geo-radar); gravimetrical methods (gravity and microgravity measurements); magnetic methods (magnetometer). Inside boreholes: well-borehole logging (electrical resistivity, spontaneous potential, electrical conductivity, gamma ray, flow velocity, caliper, dipmeter and TV), seismic (down-hole, cross-hole, and seismic tomopraphy).
  • Soil or rock laboratory testing design, planning, supervisión and management.:
  • Soil.. Classification tests: particle size distribution by sieving or by sedimentation; liquid and plastic limits (Atterberg limits); volumetric shrinkage limit, linear shrinkege; moisture content or water content; mass density (or unit weight); dry density (or dry unit weight); strength tests: unconfined compression test; direct shear box; triaxial compression; deformation tests: oedometer test; collapse and swelling tests: swelling and collapse on wetting test; compaction-related tests (standard or modified Proctor); pin-hole test; Pavement design tests: California bearing ratio (CBR); chemical tests: carbonate content, sulfate content, organic matter content, chloride content, pH; chemical analysis of ground water.
  • Rocks. Classification tests: moisture content, porosity, bulk density, water absorption. Strength tests: uniaxial compression, point load test or Franklin test, direct tensión test, indirect tensile strength test or Brazilian test, strength tests in discontinuities in direct shear box, triaxial compression; Deformation tests: determination of dynamic deformation modulus (Young modulus, poisson ratio). Durability tests: swelling, crumbling, moisture-dryness cycles, heating-cooling cycles; freeze-thaw cycles; salt crystallization cycles, immersion tests (Dusseault, Lutton), Slake-durability index test, speed of sound, primary or push-pull waves measurement in rock cores. Thin section petrographical analysis. X-ray difraction. Test for determining rock hardness and abrasiveness: Cerchar, sclerometer or Schmidt hammer, Schimazek abrasiveness index determination.
  • Geotechnical instrumentation for monitoring field performance design, planning, supervision and management. Displacement measurement between near points, with mechanical instruments: convergence gauge, metric tape, grid crack monitor, caliper gauge and fleximeter or mechanical crack gauge; with electrical instruments: electrical crack gauge, potentiometers, linear variable differential transformers (LVDT´s) and vibrating wire transducers; between surface points: geodesic methods, levelling and collimation and Deep displacement measurements (inclinometers, extensometers). Measurement of total stress in soil (embedment earth pressure cells and contact earth pressure cells) and measurement of groundwater pressure (open standpipe piezometers, pneumatic piezometers, vibrating wire piezometers and electrical resistance piezometers).
  • Geotechnical mapping works. Different scales depending on the objectives. General or spacific maps.
  • Foundation design for building and structures.. Recommendations, design, calculus, measurement and constructive solutions for spread or shallow foundations (strips, pads, rafts), intermediate foundations (deep strips or trench fills) and deep foundations (bored and cast in place piles, precast and driven piles, micropiles, etc). Constructive pathologies analysis with recommenedations for underpinning or stabilization solutions.
  • Ground improvement and reinforcement design. Geotextiles and other geosynthetics, micropiles, dynamic compaction, preload and vertical drains, vibro-compaction, vibro-replacement with stone or concrete columns, soil mixing, artificial ground freezing, anchorages, soil nailing, grouting, jet-grouting, etc.
  • Excavation and retaining structures design. Recommendations, design, calculus, measurement and constructive solutions for retaining structures: mass masonry walls, cantiléver walls, gabion walls, crib walls, precast walls, gravity walls, and reinforced earth walls, or excavation retaining and stabilization structures: embedded walls, diaphragm walls, contiguous bored pile or micropile walls, secant bored pile or micropile walls, etc.
  • Rock or soil slope stability analysis. Geomechanical classification. Instrumentation and/or stabilization and control measurement.
  • Special studies. Tunnels excavability, geomechanical classifications and retaining structures design. Geologic-geotechnic studies for dams. Geotechnical studies for earthworks (embankments, etc).